
Danger and Romance and Other Exciting Things [ch2]

The saga continues... Scroll down for chapter one.

Chapter 2


Dirk slammed his fists on the oval office desk, spittle flying from the corners of his mouth. “Yeah, I said it.” He looked at his Vice President, Jye Normus.

“Mr. President, we seriously need to find New York,” Jye said.

“Oh. Well, let me finish this football game.”

“Yes sir. I don’t mean to be rude, but might this be a bit more important than Madden 2006?”

Dirk was silent for a moment.

“Your mom is more important.”

“Mr. President, millions of people are missing, one of the largest cities in the world and a major financial center of the US has disappeared. We need to find New York.”

“Your mom goes to New York.”

“Um, sir, not anymore. New York was stolen by the Rustonasians.”


“You realize the importance now?”

”You bet your sweet bippy. I didn’t even know Rusbonstations were real people!”

Jye nodded.

If this were a movie, dramatic music would swell and indicate tension but also the chapter closing.

"Your mom is a Rubenstuddardmason." Dirk chuckled.

He chuckled with his gun.


m.d. mcmullin said...

i'm actually laughing at this stuff.

tell me what happens to dirk next

Chris and Holly said...

great stuff as usual. I will check back in the two months for chapter 3. Can't wait! You were right, that was fandangtastic.

Chris and Holly said...